Guinness’s Birthday Party
At Anderson Park, we were able to rent the Adair House cabin for Guinness’s birthday
At Anderson Park, we were able to rent the Adair House cabin for Guinness’s birthday
They are nice, reasonably well-maintained structures, perfect for a winter activity
They are nice, reasonably well-maintained structures, perfect for a winter activity
Guinness has been interested in bats (and Batman), and so we found a representative from a local bat society to come give a presentation
Guinness has been interested in bats (and Batman), and so we found a representative from a local bat society to come give a presentation
She brought some bat toys, such as this air-powered hopping bat
She brought some bat toys, such as this air-powered hopping bat
And of course, she told us all about bats!
And of course, she told us all about bats!
She had lots of interesting things to tell us about
She had lots of interesting things to tell us about
But of course the kids were especially interested in the real, mounted bats…
But of course the kids were especially interested in the real, mounted bats…
…and the live bat she brought along
…and the live bat she brought along
The bat is under the case of the society, for rehabilitation…the meet-and-greet is just its side-job ☺
The bat is under the case of the society, for rehabilitation…the meet-and-greet is just its side-job ☺
Romio’s is across the street from the park, so was the obvious choice for lunch
Romio’s is across the street from the park, so was the obvious choice for lunch
At least the grocery got the bats on the cake right
At least the grocery got the bats on the cake right
With the candles all spread out like that, Guinness didn’t have a chance
With the candles all spread out like that, Guinness didn’t have a chance
Natalie works on crafts while everyone else eats cake
Natalie works on crafts while everyone else eats cake
Opening presents
Opening presents
The wide shot
The wide shot